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The Computer Vision Syndrome Essay Example for Free

The Computer Vision Syndrome Essay Near 150 million individuals sit before a PC screen every day. A large number of them go through over ...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Leadership The Trait theories Essays

Leadership The Trait theories Essays Leadership The Trait theories Paper Leadership The Trait theories Paper Leadership is a process through which a person tries to get organizational members to do something the person desires. The leaders influence extends beyond supervisory responsibility and formal authority. Leadership theories have long sought to identify what are the characteristics that make an effective leader. In this paper, three main bodies of research and knowledge are Trait, Behaviour and Contingency approaches. The Trait theories Trait theories: leaders possess certain personal quality that leaders had to greater degree than non-leaders. Which attempted to identify the personality traits of the effective leader to facilitate the selection leader. The trait approach is based on the some assumptions: that individual is more important than situation; and leadership is inborn. Many early researchers believed that leaders such as Lincoln and Hitler had some unique set of qualities that distinguished them their followers. The trait approach seeks to identify enduring personal characteristics and traits that distinguish leaders from followers. For example: Intelligence helps a lead solve complex problems. Assertiveness helps a leader frankly express demands and attitudes and enable him to perform many tasks and achieve goals. Initiative when high, help a leader deal with many demands he faces on a day-to-day basis. Resilience, that a highly flexible in adjusting their behaviour in different situations Empathy ensures a leader putting them in the followers shoes. Drive fuels a leader to be the best of the field he chooses to pursue. Many finding illustrated that individuals who possess certain traits are more likely to become effective leaders than those who do not, . but none of traits guarantee success. , Many individuals who possess the identified traits never become leaders. Why the trait approach is not guarantee some one become effective leader? There are four reasons: it overlooks the needs of followers, it generally fails to clarity the relative importance of various traits, it doesnt separate cause from effect, and more important, it ignore the situation factors. .For instance, observations may lead one to believe that effective leaders are more likely to be assertive and outgoing, while there are outstanding leaders such as Lincoln who were relatively shy and withdrawn. Obviously, the trait approach alone cannot fully explain why or how leadership occurs. It suggests that the need to move to the other factors that contribute to leadership effectiveness. The Behaviour theories Rather than looking at the innate traits of leaders, behaviour approach argues that successful leaders can be train and teach, attention switched from selecting leaders on personality trait to training and developing leaders in appropriate behavior patterns. This research tradition argues that considerate, participative, and democratic and involving leadership behaviour is more effective than impersonal, autocratic and directive. Weaknesses of Trait and Behaviour Approaches Both trait and behaviour approach essentially ignores the situation in which leadership takes place. The trait approach takes into account leaders personal aspects but ignores the situations in which they try to lead. Certain leadership traits may lead to effective leadership in certain situations and to ineffective leadership in other situations. Dominance, for example, may make a production manager a good leader. But the same trait in the head consultant may actually detract from the leaders effectiveness because the subordinates tend to be independent thinkers who work best when they are left alone. Similarly, the behaviour approach seeks to identify the behaviours responsible for effective leadership without considering how the situation affects behaviour. However, the situation also impacts on a leaders behaviours. The performance of participants can be enhanced when the project manager engages in initiating structure by scheduling the project. In contrast, the performance of a group of assembly-line workers who know exactly how to do their jobs may be unaffected by their leaders initiating structure In fact, it became increasingly clear that the predicting of leadership success was more complex. The contingency theories suggested that leadership effectiveness was dependent on the situation and another to be able to isolate those situational conditions. that under condition a, style X would be appropriate whereas style Y would be more suitable for condition. Many developed leadership approaches in this theories such as Fiedlers models, Hersey and Blanchards situational theory and leader-member exchange theory etc. Fiedlers contingency theory acknowledges that personal characteristics influence whether leaders are effective. i. e. effective leadership requires the right behaviour, skills and attitudes. He assumed two kinds of leaders: task-oriented and relationship-oriented. Leaders who are tasked-related want their subordinates to perform at a high level and accomplish all of their assigned tasks. Their first priority is task accomplishment, and they push subordinates to make sure that the job gets done. Being concerned for the satisfactions and feelings of subordinates is their second priority. Although relationship-related leaders want their subordinates to perform at a high level, their first priority is developing good relationships with their followers. Their second priority is making sure that the job gets done. He argued that effectiveness is influenced by three sets of situational factors: 1. the extent to which the task in hand is structured. The nature of the relationships between the leader and followers; 3. the leaders position power. Fiedler identified three typical sets of conditions, then matching leaders into situations to achieve maximum leadership effectiveness. This theory has two strengths it demonstrates the importance of contextual factors in determining leader behaviour and effectiveness. ; it provides a systematic framework for developing the self-awareness of managers. : Fiedlers contingency theory is positive but weak: 1. the key variables, task structure, power and relationships, are difficult to assess. The leader who wants to rely on this framework to determine the most effective style for a given situation has to rely more on intuition than systematic analysis. 2. the concept of the least preferred co-worker is an unusual one, and it is not clear just what this measures. 3. the framework does not take into account the needs of subordinates. 4. the need for a leader to have relevant technical competence is ignored. Most contingency theories argue that leaders should change their style to fit the context, however, Fiedler argued leaders by choosing conditions in which their preferred style was most likely effective. As Hersey and Blanchards situational theory, which argues that effectiveness are reflected leaders adapt style to meet the demands of the situation in which they operate. Successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style. The model established four basic leadership styles: 1. telling ( high task-high relationship), the leader tells subordinates what , how, when, and where to do various tasks. It emphasizes directive behavior. 2. selling (high task-high relationship). The leader provides both directive behaviour and supportive behaviour. 3. participating (low task-high relationship). The leader and follower share in decision making , with the main role of the leader being facilitating and communicating. 4. delegating (low task-low relationship). The leader providers little direction or support. This theory emphasis on the need for flexibility in leadership behaviour, and in highlighting the importance of contextual factors. However, this theory has limitation that lask of evidence to support the model in practice. Daniel Goleman reported there are six leadership styles, each style relies on an aspect of emotional intelligence which concerns skill in managing your own emotions and in handing the emotions of others.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Excited State Definition in Chemistry

Excited State Definition in Chemistry The excited state describes an atom, ion or molecule with an electron in a higher than normal energy level than its ground state. The length of time a particle spends in the excited state before falling to a lower energy state varies. Short duration excitation usually results in release of a quantum of energy, in the form of a photon or phonon. The return to a lower energy state is called decay. Fluorescence is a fast decay process, while phosphorescence occurs over a much longer time frame. Decay is the inverse process of excitation. An excited state that lasts a long time is called a metastable state. Examples of metastable states are single oxygen and nuclear isomers. Sometimes the transition to an excited state enables an atom to participate in a chemical reaction. This is the basis for the field of photochemistry. Non-Electron Excited States Although excited states in chemistry and physics almost always refer to the behavior of electrons, other types of particles also experience energy level transitions. For example, the particles in the atomic nucleus may be excited from the ground state, forming nuclear isomers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religion - Theology of the book of relevations Essay

Religion - Theology of the book of relevations - Essay Example of all, there is discernment of the modern situation by prophetic insight into God’s nature and purpose, and the Revelation has dominant prophetic concern for exposing the truth of things. The second element of Revelation as a prophecy is prediction, which consists in seeing how God’s ultimate purpose for the coming of his universal kingdom relates to the modern situation as it is perceived by the prophet. It is fundamental fact that the coming of God’s kingdom takes place and prophecy as prediction reveals how the modern situation must change for the God’s kingdom to come. â€Å"Thirdly, prophecy demands of its hearers an appropriate response to its perception of the truth of the contemporary world and its prediction of what the working out of God’s purpose must mean for the contemporary world. It is the third element that ensures that the predictive element in biblical prophecy is not fatalistic.† (Bauckham, 149) Therefore, Richard Bauckham offers an insight on the three closely related elements of Revelation as a prophecy in his The Theology of the Book of Revelation and he indicates how biblical prophecy can be relevant for both its original audience and later readers. According to him, biblical prophecy gives room for human freedom and it is relevant in the contemporary world, just as it was significant to the original readers. In the final section of the chapter, the author offers a significant explanation of Revelation’s relevance today and it becomes clear that the readers may find their own routes from engaging with Revelation’s theology to contextualizing it in a contemporary situation. Bauckham lists eleven ways in which Revelation is relevant today, at the end of the chapter and these are essential ways in which one can realize the importance of Revelation in the contemporary world. The first of these eleven ways seems to be most fundamental today. Thus, the author maintains that one of the fundamental functions of Revelation is to purge

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Painting and architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Painting and architecture - Essay Example Baroque paintingBaroque painting is mainly related to the underlying Baroque cultural movement mainly identified with the underlying Absolutism, the renowned Counter-Reformation and corresponding Catholic Revival. It is mainly characterized by massive performance, rich, Deep color and deep light and dark shadows(Bohn &Saslow, 2013). Moreover, it depicts the moment prior to an event. Baroque painting style commenced within Rome, Italy and subsequently spread to other parts of Europe. Similarities and contrast between Baroque and Renaissance architectureBoth Baroque painting and Renaissance architecture style commenced in Italy then subsequently spread to other parts of Europe. Baroque and Renaissance arts are interrelated in regard to painting and architecture in that they both utilize distinctive classical forms, which are used in books, valuable objects and oil painting(Bohn &Saslow, 2013). Both of the arts balance the good proportion within the architecture and sculptures. Moreover , both baroque painting and corresponding Renaissance architecture are the main classical forms that were utilized within the Renaissance in attracting distinct attention on the clarity and corresponding realism.Conversely, Renaissance architecture mainly utilizes Classical art in which the Roman and corresponding Roman and Greek art whilst Baroque painting commence by breaking away from corresponding Classical art and utilizes numerous curves and flowery patterns.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Jesse Owens †A Legend Essay Example for Free

Jesse Owens – A Legend Essay The legendary Track and Field athlete, known to the world as Jesse Owens, was born James Cleveland Owens on September 12, 1913. It’s claimed that the nine-year-old’s accent made it difficult for his schoolteacher in Ohio to understand Owens when he gave his name as â€Å"JC. † Instead the teacher wrote his name down as â€Å"Jesse† (Gentry, 1990, p. 34). Jesse’s first brush with running was to be in the hills of Alabama, his home state. At the time though, Jesse was a sickly child given to frequent attacks of Pneumonia and other medical issues including the appearance of boils. His training for the track and field events only began when he entered Fairmont Junior High School where he was noticed by Charles Riley, an Irishman who was quick to take into account Jesse’s â€Å"potential† despite his lack of a strong physique. Riley, took the time to coach Jesse before school began each day so that Jesse would be free after school to do the part time jobs he’d taken up to contribute towards his family’s financial betterment. There’s nothing to show that Jesse’s typical workouts weren’t anything but pretty basic in terms of the equipment available and the routines followed in those early years. Practicing the various techniques of starting and running as well as long jump is what Jesse engaged in. Making the most of this humble start, Jesse soon began to draw attention to his abilities, having by this time, enrolled in East Technical High School. Owens then went on to join the Ohio State University where he continued to break records and draw attention though still failing to get a scholarship on account of his race. Owens greatest contribution to American history came in Berlin where the 1936 Summer Olympics were held. Jesse Owens went on to win four gold medals for his country – 100m sprint, 200m sprint, 4 x100m relay and long jump in the face of strong prejudices exhibited by Adolf Hitler who was intent on showing off the superiority of the Aryan race to the world. Americans greeted him with great enthusiasm on his return, and cheered his accomplishments heartily (Corrigan, 1990, p. 18). Track and Field events gained popularity in the United States. However, Jesse himself was not to benefit from all these events.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


ABSTRACT Scientific literature is replete with studies examining the relationship between stressful life events and the occurrence of compromised immune function as suggested by the presence of various illnesses. Forty college students answered questionnaires regarding the presence of stressful life events and the presence or absence of recent illnesses. The relationship between these scores was examined. Life stress scores were significantly positively related to scores indicating illnesses on a health inventory. As scores indicating the presence of stressful life experiences increased, scores suggesting the presence of illness also increased. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Each bodily physiological system has an individual established set point, or level of balance; however, some fluctuations in these levels are tolerated. The balance of any system can be, and regularly is disturbed by internal and/or external events of the mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, and/or social types. When this balance is disrupted, and involuntary mobilizations of biological processes are not able to re-establish it, an alarm reaction is activated (Schedlowski and Tewes, 1999). This reaction is referred to as a stress response, and the activating agent is the stressor (Selye, 1936).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recently, studies of stress have shifted from demonstrating relationships between psychological factors and somatic outcomes, to investigations of the mediational pathways involved in these associations. For example, (Cohen and Williamson, 1991) have built on the work of Lazarus’ model by suggesting that once an environmental event is encountered, it is appraised, and an affective response is made. After this response is made, a cascade of behavioral and physiological processes is activated. Behavioral factors such as increased alcohol use, reduced exercise, changes in sleep quantity/quality, and changes in diet, have shown to be related to stress. In turn, stress-related changes are associated with many hormonal fluctuations known to influence susceptibility to disease (Schedlowski and Tewes, 1999). There is overwhelming evidence that daily stress may be harmful to the overall health of humans (Cohen, Tyrrell, and Smith, 1991; Glaser, Rice, and Sheridan, 1987; and Schleifer, and Keller, 1991). The mechanism by which stress influences health outcomes is thought to involve the immune system. Rationale As reviewed, research has examined the interaction between stressful life events and the overall health of humans. This investigation will examine this relationship in a collegiate population, using two pen and paper surveys. Hypothesis Scores on the College Life Stress Inventory (CLSI) (Renner and Mackin, 1998) will be positively related to scores on the Health Inventory (HI) (Holmes and Rahe, 1967).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Metaphor, Tone and Antithesis in “Legal Alien” Essay

â€Å"Legal Alien,† a collection from â€Å"Chants,† is a short free versed poem written by Pat Mora. The poem explores the lives of Mexican-Americans and the cultural tension they have to face. The poet discusses a bi-cultural person whose parents are from Mexico but the person was born and raised in America and is an American citizen by law. Although he can speak fluent English and Spanish, he still has a hard time being accepted by both or one race. Mora’s use of poetic techniques such as metaphor, tone and antithesis emphasizes her concerns in regards to the issue. Mora uses metaphor to highlight how a bi-cultural individual feels like not being acknowledged by both races. â€Å"a handy token† (line 16) informs the readers that a bi-cultural individual is like a handy instrument that can easily slide from back to forth, from English to Spanish (vice-versa). The person can also adapt very quickly, quicker than those who has only one culture. â€Å"between the fringes of both worlds† (line 18) notify the readers that although the speaker’s race is Mexican and his nationality is American the speaker isn’t fully accepted by both races. Mexicans view the speaker as an alien (line 10) while American view him as exotic, inferior and definitely different (lines 9-10). In this situation, the speaker feels lost in both races thus having an identity crisis. Using tone shapes the ideas of the poem and expresses the poet’s aggravation towards cultural tension. â€Å"able to slip from, â€Å"How’s life?† to â€Å"_Me’stanvolviendo loca†_ (lines 2-3) this line informs the readers that while the speaker can speak both languages fluently she isn’t accepted by both races entirely and the speaker is frustrated, this is evident when she said â€Å"_Me’stanvolviendo loca†_(line 3) this means † they are driving me crazy† in English. â€Å"By smiling by masking the discomfort of being pre-judged Bi-laterally† (lines 19-22) the speaker is unease and sad because she is not accepted by both  races. The speaker smiles to conceal his discomfort of being pre-judged immediately without knowing him first. Mora capitalizes â€Å"Bi-laterally† (line 22) and adds a hyphen to draw attention to the readers that the speaker is being judged by both of his heritage. Mora uses antithesis to make the readers more mindful of the opposition. Antitheses is almost visible in every line of the poem where the speaker is describing two different races, Mexican and American, side-by-side with each other but are complete opposites. Examples are â€Å"How’s life? To _Me’stanvolviendo loca†_ (lines 2-3), â€Å"Drafting memos in smooth English, able to order in fluent Spanish at a Mexican restaurant† (lines 5-7), â€Å"Viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic, perhaps inferior, definitely different, viewed by Mexicans as alien† (lines 9-11), â€Å"An American to Mexicans/ A Mexican to Americans† (lines 14- 15). These lines of antithesis draw attention to the cultural tension between Mexican and American in an individual’s knowledge. Pat Mora uses poetic techniques such as metaphor, tone and antithesis to show discomfort and frustration of fitting in and being accepted by both races. The readers is predicted to fathom that bi-cultural individuals don’t have it so easy fitting in and being accepted by both races even though they can speak both languages, both of their race still don’t accept them utterly. That leaves them having an identity crisis thus being called a â€Å"legal alien†, a person who belongs however is not entirely acknowledged by the community.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Discovering Computer

Discovering Computers ? Chapter 1 : Introduction to Computers Chapter 1 Objectives Recognize the importance of computer literacy Define the term, computer Describe the categories of computers Identify the components of a computer Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using computers Recognize the purpose of a network Discuss the uses of the Internet and World Wide Web Discuss various computer applications in society Identify the elements of an information system Describe the various types of computer users Distinguish between system software and application software Next A World of Computers What is computer literacy (digital literacy)? Current knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses ? Computers are everywhere Next What Is a Computer? How is a computer defined? ? Electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory Processes data into information Conveys meaning and is useful to people Accepts data Collection of unprocessed item s Produces and stores results Next What Is a Computer? What is the information processing cycle? ? ? ? ? ? Input Process Output Storage Communication Next The Components of a Computer What is an input device? ? Hardware used to enter data and instructions Next The Components of a ComputerWhat is an output device? ? Hardware that conveys information to one or more people Next The Components of a Computer What is the system unit? Case that contains the electronic components of the computer that are used to process data ? Next The Components of a Computer What are two main components on the motherboard? Processor Also called a Central Processing Unit (CPU) The electronic component that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer Memory Consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions Next The Components of a ComputerWhat is storage? ? Holds data, instructions, and information for futur e use Storage media Physical material on which data, instructions, and information are stored Storage device Records and retrieves items to and from storage media Next The Components of a Computer What is a USB flash drive? ?Portable storage device ? Small and lightweight enough to be transported on a keychain or in a pocket ? The average USB flash drive can hold about 2 billion characters Next The Components of a Computer What is a hard disk? ? Provides greater storage capacity than a USB flash drive ? Most are housed inside the system unit NextThe Components of a Computer What is a compact disc? ? Flat, round, portable metal disc ? ? CD DVD Next The Components of a Computer What is a communications device? Hardware component that enables a computer to send and receive data, instructions, and information Occurs over cables, telephone lines, cellular radio networks, satellites, and other transmission media Next Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers What are the advantages of using computers? Speed Reliability Consistency Storage Communications Next Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers What are the disadvantages of using computers? Violation of PrivacyPublic Safety Impact on Labor Force Health Risks Impact on Environment Next Networks and the Internet What is a network? ? Collection of computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly Used to share Resources Hardware devices Software programs Data Information Saves time and money Next Networks and the Internet What is a server? ? A server controls access to resources on a network ? Clients, or workstations, request resources from the server Next Networks and the Internet What is the Internet? ? Worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individualsNext Networks and the Internet Why do users access the Internet? 1. Communications 2. Research and Information 3. Shopping 4. Banking and Investing 5. Classes 6. Entertainment 7. Download Music 8. Share Information Next Networks and the Internet What is the Web? ? Billions of documents, called Web pages, available to anyone connected to the Internet A Web site is a collection of related Web pages You can share information on a social networking Web site or a photo sharing community A podcast is recorded audio stored on a Web site that can be downloaded A Web page contains text, graphics, audio, video, and links to other Web pagesA blog consists of timestamped articles in a journal format Next Computer Software What is software? Consists of a series of instructions that tells the computer what to do and how to do it Also called a program Next Computer Software What is a graphical user interface (GUI)? ? Allows you to interact with the software using text, graphics, and visual images such as icons ? Controls how you enter data and instructions and how the screen displays information Next Computer Software What is system software? ? Programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices Operating System (OS) s a set of programs that coordinates all activities among computer hardware devices Utility Programs allow the user to perform maintenance-type tasks usually related to managing a computer, its devices or its programs Next Computer Software What is application software? ? Programs designed to make users more productive Word Processing Database Spreadsheet Presentation Graphics Next Computer Software How do you install and run programs? Next Computer Software JavaScript What is a programmer? ? Someone who develops software ? Programmer writes the instructions to direct the computer to process data into information Web application NextCategories of Computers What are the categories of computers? Personal Computers (desktop) Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices Game Consoles Servers Mainframes Supercomputers Embedded Computers Next Personal Computers What are the two most popular styles of per sonal computers? ? PC and compatibles use the Windows operating system ? Apple Macintosh usually uses the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS X) Next Personal Computers What is a desktop computer? ? Designed so all of the components fit entirely on or under a desk or table Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What is a notebook computer? ? Portable, small enough to fit on your lap ?Also called a laptop computer ? Usually more expensive than a desktop computer with equal capabilities Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What is a Tablet PC? ? Resembles a letter-sized slate ? Allows you to write on the screen using a digital pen ? Especially useful for taking notes Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What are mobile devices? Small enough to carry in a pocket Internet-enabled telephone is a â€Å"smart phone† Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What is a handheld computer? Small enough to fit in one hand Used by mobile employees such as meter readers and deliver y people Next Mobile Computers and Mobile DevicesWhat is a personal digital assistant (PDA)? ? Provides personal organizer functions ? ? ? ? ? Calendar Appointment book Address book Calculator Notepad Next Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices What are smart phones? Next Game Consoles What are game consoles? Mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games Next Servers What types of servers are there? A server controls access to network resources and provides centralized storage Mainframe Very powerful, expensive computer that supports thousands of connected users Supercomputer The fastest, most powerful, most expensive computer.Used for applications requiring complex mathematical calculations Next Embedded Computers What is an embedded computer? ? A special-purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger product Next Elements of an Information System What are information system elements? ? ? ? ? ? Hardware Software Data People Procedures Next E xamples of Computer Usage What software is available for a home user? ? Personal finance management ? Web access ? Communications ? Entertainment Next Examples of Computer Usage What software is available for a small office/home office (SOHO) user? ? ? ? Productivity software Specialty software Web usage E-mail Next Examples of Computer Usage What is available for a mobile user? ? Hardware ? ? ? ? Notebook computers Tablet PCs Internet-enabled PDAs Smart phones ? Software ? ? ? Word processing Spreadsheet Presentation graphics software Next Examples of Computer Usage What are the needs of a power user? ? Speed and large amounts of storage ? Types of power users ? ? ? ? ? Engineers Scientists Architects Desktop publishers Graphic artists Next Examples of Computer Usage What are the needs of the large business user? ? ? ? Payroll Inventory E-commerce Desktop publishing Next Computer Applications in Society What are some examples of computer applications in society? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Edu cation Finance Government Health Care Science Publishing Travel Manufacturing Next Summary of Introduction to Computers Basic computer concepts The term, computer The uses of the Internet Computer software Categories of computers Types of computer users Computer applications in society The components of a computer The advantages and disadvantages of using computers The purpose of a network Chapter 1 Complete

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The U.S. Patriot Act essays

The U.S. Patriot Act essays On September 11, 2001 terrorists savagely attacked the United States. The immediate devastation included the destruction of The World Trade Center, a section of the Pentagon, and the death of thousands of innocent people. Since then, the United States Congress along with the Bush Administration passed a bill, which compiled a series of regulations and laws, called The USA PATRIOT Act, (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism). This new bill was passed shortly after the terrorist attacks with the intention of helping all law enforcement agencies act more effectively in investigating potential terrorist, giving Federal officials greater power to track and intercept communications for intelligence gathering purposes. It provides a greater authority to combat foreign and local money laundering. It maximizes the security at airports and surrounding borders. And finally, it improved a vulnerable and debilitated visa and inspection process. The USA PATRIOT Act has however, been criticized by some. Claiming that, its provisions go to far, violating our civil rights under the Constitution. They also claim that it violates Federal communication privacy laws. Others supported the bill, accepting the compromises and sacrifices that it would bring and were even concerned that it was not We will further discuss the disadvantages and advantages of this newly adopted bill, and the controversy that it has created. Freedom in the United States has become considerably restrained since 2001. Not only did the terrorist attacks of September 11 have a dramatic effect on the U.S. economy, but also our nations response has tested the limits of our freedom and right to privacy. Some critics believe that this newly acquired Act may do more harm than good. Threatening the rights guaranteed ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

History of Canadas Death Penalty

History of Canada's Death Penalty Capital punishment was removed from the Canadian Criminal Code in 1976. It was replaced with a mandatory life sentence without possibility of parole for 25 years for all first-degree murders. In 1998 capital punishment was also removed from the Canadian National Defence Act, bringing Canadian military law in line with the civil law in Canada. Here is a timeline of the evolution of capital punishment and the abolition of the death penalty in Canada. 1865 Crimes of murder, treason, and rape carried the death penalty in Upper and Lower Canada. 1961 The murder was classified into capital and non-capital offenses. Capital murder offenses in Canada were premeditated murder and murder of a police officer, guard or warden in the course of duty. A capital offense had a mandatory sentence of hanging. 1962 The last executions took place in Canada. Arthur Lucas, convicted of the premeditated murder of an informer and witness in racket discipline, and Robert Turpin, convicted of the unpremeditated murder of a policeman to avoid arrest, were hanged at the Don Jail in Toronto, Ontario. 1966 Capital punishment in Canada was limited to the killing of on-duty police officers and prison guards. 1976 Capital punishment was removed from the Canadian Criminal Code. It was replaced with a mandatory life sentence without possibility of parole for 25 years for all first-degree murders. The bill was passed by a free vote in the  House of Commons. Capital punishment still remained in the Canadian National Defence Act for the most serious military offenses, including treason and mutiny. 1987 A motion to reintroduce capital punishment was debated in the Canadian House of Commons and defeated on a free vote. 1998 The Canadian National Defence Act was changed to remove the death penalty and replace it with life imprisonment with no eligibility for parole for 25 years. This brought Canadian military law in line with the civil law in Canada. 2001 The  Supreme Court of Canada ruled, in United States v. Burns, that in extradition cases it is constitutionally required that in all but exceptional cases the Canadian government seek assurances that the death penalty will not be imposed, or if imposed not carried out.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Political and Economic Integration Processes in The Gulf Cooperation Essay

Political and Economic Integration Processes in The Gulf Cooperation Council - Essay Example The GCC Organizational structure looks like the EU structure with a Supreme Council made up of members from all countries in the GCC. From first appearances one might see a top down structure in the design. However, the top is shared by heads of the member states (based on the monarchic or emirate government). This makes the top divisional in its structure. The actual executive of the council is not by rank and size but rather rotated in alphabetical order of the member's names. Yet, despite the inherited leadership, it is somewhat democratic in its implementation: meetings of the supreme council are only valid if attended by at least two-thirds of the members. Under the Supreme Council there are several organizations designed as functional structure but arranged as matrix rather than a top down structure. Firstly, there is a Consultative Commission, formed of equal amounts of members from each state - its purpose is to study matters assigned by the Supreme Council. Along with that - there is the Commission for the Settlement of Disputes. Again, under the Supreme Council but is designed to allow for contingency factors and only used as needed. A Ministerial Council formed from the Ministers of Foreign Affairs - the head over this segment is the current head of the supreme council. This organization is in charge of policies, recommendations, and oversees other existing actions in all fields of specialty. Any ministerial subcommittee must first resolve and then refer the rulings to the Ministerial Council, who in turn, along with their recommendations on the rulings give to the Supreme Council for final approval. These rulings and recommendations must also be voted by two-thirds of the members to be counted as official. The Ministerial Council meets... This essay aims to identify long-term perspectives of the Gulf Cooperation Council as an integral regional union and also define development trends of its members countries. The GCC Organizational structure looks like the EU structure with a Supreme Council made up of members from all countries in the GCC. Globalization can be defined as a global networking that has welded together previously disparate and isolated communities on this planet into mutual dependence and unity of ‘one world. The opposite would be a more skeptic and Marxist indicated definition, like perspective that globalization is what the Third World have for centuries called colonization. One might even interpret globalism as a less offensive term for imperialism, not well received by developing countries with aspirations of their own international successes. Globalization is typically defined as a shift from localized human societies (including financial, political and religious systems) to linking distant communities of people and levels of industry, expanding them across regions and continents. Globalization can reduce the deficiencies of third world countries with technological advances and with equal allocation of resources. The completion of the Free Trade Agreement, started so long ago, would be a stronger indication of liberalization in the GCC. The willingness to team up with the European Union, a non-US entity, might just be a considered strategy to strengthen their unwillingness to embrace globalization.